What's the deal with Fiverr Pro? I'd want to participate. Alex, how do I become a member like yours? As a freelancer, I hope to make six figures every year. So I'll go through what Fiverr Pro is, how to get started, and why you might want to make it a part of your freelance career. If you haven't already, please join my free Facebook group before I go any further. Every day, it has over 24,000 freelancers that talk, connect, bond, and share knowledge. Examine each other's profiles.
This is a truly incredible community that I founded over a year ago. It has completely taken on a life of its own and is a very amazing thing to see there. If you want to have 'colleagues' in the freelancing world, please join my free Facebook group. I am attaching it below. Well, let's come to the topic at hand, what is Fiverr Pro and why should you care about it? Fiverr Pro is the top 1% of the Fiverr platform. This is a project they launched in 2017. The idea behind Fiverr Pro is to move Fiverr away from this bottom-of-the-barrel bargain freelancing website and make it look like they have more high-quality talent. Upwork really took off around that time and gained this reputation as a place where you could find these high-quality people. Fiverr apparently wanted to jump in and join the conversation with Upwork.
So they launched a Top 1% program where they tell their buyers that if you shop from one of our Fiverr Pro sellers, we've personally tested the very best our platform has to offer. So, Fiverr Pro sellers like me can justify charging more for their services because we come with this pre-verification process, which Fiverr doesn't offer at any of their other ranking levels. Also, because Fiverr has personally vetted you and told buyers they've done this, buyers are less likely to fight you over your price and know they're going for what you're paying. At the end of the day get a high quality product. Like I said Fiverr is starting to move away from their '$5 brand' which is what they always backed off of when I was there.
I had to write… Yes, only $5. So you should be very happy and thankful that you don't have to do as I did. No one needs to charge $5 for their site anymore. But, at the end of the day, your ultimate goal should be to want to join this Fiverr program. Also, making only $5 for a service you provide online right now isn't really a move, especially since inflation is through the roof, as we all know. We want to earn money that can help us live a sustainable and healthy life. Don't know what. It went in a weird direction, but okay. We'll go with that. - I like it. - Oh, I made a joke here, I forgot about it. I'm going to say- "When I started on Fiverr seven years ago..." "I only charged $5." "You children don't know what that is." Everything is fine. I know. I can't do accents. "...to save my life." "So be glad you don't have to do that today." Okay, back to this video. You might be wondering how I joined Fiverr Pro. When did I join Fiverr Pro? What is my story? In 2017, I had been on Fiverr for almost three years at the time, and the New York City Fiverr office approached me and asked me to be a part of a business in Brooklyn, where I was living at the time.
You guys do the math. You can absolutely get into the six figure realm. It's just with Fiverr Pro you're able to start at a much higher price point so you can get into the 200k, 300k, 500k realm. I've had people on my podcast who have done this. There's even people who have seven figure freelancing businesses on Fiverr every year doing things like editing and writing resumes on Fiverr Pro. So you're probably sitting there right now going- Okay, this sounds great! But, the competition is probably way too stiff and I can't possibly do this. I'm gonna stop you in your tracks right there and tell you I see Fiverr accept people into Fiverr Pro every single day. To be honest, I'm not quite sure if it's a 1% club. It might be more like an 8, 9 or 10% club. I think they use the 1% for branding purposes just to make it sound more elite and exclusive. But, I see people every single day accepted into this program and as always if you want to make something happen for yourselves you have to believe it is possible. You can't be putting out negative energy and frustration towards saying yourself- Oh, I can't make this happen. There's no way this could work for me. You're going to be putting out energy that's going to block it from happening to you. Instead, you should be saying to yourself- I am going to make this happen for myself and I'm going to be determined until I do.
You're gonna be putting out excitement, lots of energy, lots of momentum and it's way more likely to attract it to you. That ends my mindset segment of this video. But, more to come on that. Basically, if you believe you can make this a reality and you follow along with all my different videos that I show you guys here on YouTube as well as my podcast, you can absolutely become accepted into Fiverr Pro. I have no doubt about it. Now I'm gonna start going over how exactly to get accepted into Fiverr Pro and what you guys need to know. The first thing you need to do is identify what your avenue into Fiverr Pro should be. So there's two ways to go about doing this. The first avenue is by way of being a public figure. Meaning, there is a lot of press, publicity, there's just a general understanding that you possess an expertise in a certain field. And when you fill out the application Fiverr is going to see your demonstrated expertise out in the open out in the public and they're just going to give you the account. There are some celebrities actually.
I believe Wyclef Jean is still on Fiverr Pro selling beat mixing and different things related to music. So Fiverr is looking for people of notoriety basically that they're just gonna kind of let skip everything and come right into the program. So if you've some pieces of high level press floating around out there, maybe you were on CNBC at one point or whatever that is, that may be enough to have a 'demonstrated expertise' and Fiverr may allow you to basically circumvent the whole process. That's kind of up to your own judgment. These are generally people that have a bigger social media following as well and have just been comfortable being in the public eye. Now if that is not you, please do not panic because that was not me. I was a lowly 25 year old freelancer in Brooklyn, New York that had no press or anything about me written at the time. So please don't panic if that is not you.
I would say I probably coach 90% of people who come in it through this other way I'm about to describe to you guys. So this other way is the good old working hard and working your way up to it method. I don't want you to think that you've to wait 3 years to apply to Fiverr Pro after getting on Fiverr. You absolutely do not need to wait that long. But I've seen success with people I've worked with who do this. Basically, they join Fiverr and they spend 3, 4, 5 up to 6 months getting registered as a Level 2 seller on Fiverr. They advance their way through the Fiverr levels and I'm going to link below to other videos of mine that explain how to advance up through Fiverr and how to set up a perfect profile, don't worry. Basically, I coach these people they get up to Level 2. They've at least 100 five-star reviews and they've worked really hard to make sure the metrics on their profile are great. What I mean by that is they've a really quick response time. They have a low cancellation rate. They've low buyer complaints and they just have an overall close to five star review on their profile.
This demonstrates to Fiverr that you are a master of customer service and you are going to be able to handle all of the compliance requirements everything that's gonna come along with Fiverr Pro buyers. Obviously, if people are going to spend more they're going to expect more from you. I'm not going to sugarcoat that. So Fiverr wants to see some type of evidence that you're gonna be able to handle this with the buyers on their site. Okay so now I'm going to show you guys where you would go to apply to Fiverr Pro. So all I did is go to Google and say access Fiverr Pro application. Click on the top link here. You're going to come to this landing page and since I am already part of Fiverr Pro, there is no button that says 'Apply to Fiverr Pro'. It just says 'See My Application' here. It's going to look different to you guys. If you have never applied to Fiverr Pro, it's going to allow you to fill out this form and go through the actual process, the actual application form. It does take about 45 minutes or so. I'd give yourself at least an hour so that you can take your time answering these questions & really be thorough with it. So my general advice when you are filling out this application is to do two things.
01. Communicate to Fiverr your confidence and your excitement to be a part of this program and just reaffirm that you love freelancing, you love what you do on Fiverr.
02. would be to tell Fiverr that you're prepared and you're ready to provide the kind of customer service they expect from Fiverr Pro sellers. A big part of being Fiverr Pro is customer service. It is hand holding. It is making sure the clients feel comfortable and communicated to. It really doesn't have to be that big of a deal once you get the system in place. Your questionnaire and a lot of other things are going to help you with that. But, you want to make sure you let Fiverr know that you're aware that customer service is very important that you're gonna be attentive that you're going to be responsive. Don't bother joining Fiverr Pro if you only want to log on to Fiverr for 30 minutes every day. That is definitely not how the Fiverr Pro program works. But if you are willing to log on sporadically throughout the day put a little more time into this, it's gonna make you a lot more money than if you just stay in the regular program. Remember at the end of the day, Fiverr is a business too & they need their clients to be happy so if you keep their Fiverr Pro buyers happy, they'll be happy with you.
Obviously, the more five star reviews you have and the better overall statistics your Fiverr Profile has the more likely they are going to approve you for Fiverr Pro. But fear not, if you are rejected from Fiverr Pro, all hope is not lost. Generally, they allow you to reapply 60 days later and there is an unlimited amount of times that you can apply to Fiverr Pro. So please do not be afraid to apply for fear of being rejected. Rejection is a really important part of this entire process and it's how I've learned the most as a freelancer. It's been the times that I've failed and been rejected and told 'No' basically. Also, if you're feeling lost with this again, don't forget about my free Facebook group. People talk about Fiverr Pro, the application, being rejected, being accepted all over the place in there.
I cannot specifically talk about questions inside of that application because I would be going against Fiverr terms of service. But you guys can absolutely discuss it with other people in my Facebook group and do all the things that I am not necessarily allowed to share in this video. In the meantime, the focus should always be when you are freelancing to provide a good quality service and a reasonable amount of time and to go above and beyond for the client. That's always going to pay off for you no matter what you're doing. If you show up if you actually commit yourself to working hard and delivering the type of product that you've promised to the client, you are going to be rewarded for it in due time.
Fiverr Pro is one of those rewards if you go above one year, you can join Fiverr Pro completely. I saw it at 6, 7, even 8 months. But remember, you are on your own journey, so don't compare yourself to other people's timelines. If this happens to you in six months, great! If this happens in a year, great! If it happens in two years, great! It takes very little time to reach six figures working on your laptop from anywhere in the world. It's totally worth it.
If you've been accepted to Fiverr Pro, I'd love to hear more about your experience below. If you've been rejected from Fiverr Pro, I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. And with that, you got this. Get out, go crush it! More incredible content is coming your way. I believe you. let's go Let's do this!